Women’s Business Enterprise Certification
WBENC certification is an important marketing tool for expanding your company’s visibility
WBENC certification is an important marketing tool for expanding a women-owned business’ visibility among decision makers in supplier diversity and procurement offices at major corporations and government entities. Many corporations require WBENC-certification before providing access to their supplier diversity programs.
It's easy to get started!
Let us answer your questions!
WBENC Certification Criteria 
- At least fifty-one percent ownership by a woman or women
- Proof of effective management and control of the business
- Documented evidence of contribution of capital and/or expertise
- U.S. Citizenship or Permanent Legal Resident Alien status
WBCS maintains a strict screening process under the guidelines of WBENC’s Standards & Procedures, which ensure that all firms are legitimately owned, managed and controlled by women. All applicants are encouraged to read WBENC’s Standards & Procedures:
Three Steps to Certification 
1 Apply Online
Click here to review the certification criteria, application instructions, documents required, and to apply online.
Once your completed application has been submitted online, you will receive an e-mail notification instructing you where to upload your supporting documentation and non-refundable processing fee.
2 Processing Fees
The processing fees are based on the gross revenue amount submitted on your application and listed on your company's federal tax return.
Revenue | Fee |
< $1M | $350 |
$1M to <$5M | $500 |
$5M to <$10M | $750 |
$10M to <$50M | $1,000 |
> $50M | $1,250 |
The process takes approximately 60-90 days once the application and all documentation have been received.
3 Yearly Renewal
The certification is valid for a period of one year, at which time you must submit a recertification application along with recertification documents and affidavit to ensure the continuity of your certified status.
An site visit is conducted initially and every three years.
For more information, please click here.
Become an Affiliate
If you are already a certified WBE through a different WBENC Regional Partner Organization (RPO) and would like to join the Women's Business Council-Southwest, please download the affiliate application below.
Benefits for your Business

Member Directory
Access contact information for procurement professionals within major corporations

Certified WBE Seal
Publicize WBENC certification on marketing materials and business cards. Login to your WBENCLink account to download the seal.

Networking Events
Connect one-on-one with procurement professionals in the southwest region

Procurement and Networking Events
- Events include trade fairs, award galas, educational symposiums and business forums designed to connect members with business opportunities
- Regional events throughout north and central Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and New Mexico provide additional opportunities for business development throughout the region

Educational Programs and Seminars
- Educational programs feature nationally recognized speakers and small business experts that discuss useful information about business development
- Monthly Table Topics lunches provide members with a place to share thoughts and gain advice regarding all aspects of running a successful business

Tools & More
- The Done Deals program tracks business conducted between WBCS members and showcases success stories throughout the region
- Event sponsorship opportunities are available to members who are looking to gain brand exposure while supporting the WBCS mission.
View an informational overview on Women's Business Enterprise (WBE) national certification at any time from your own computer. This brief, recorded webinar will walk you through the benefits of certification and how to get started in the process. You'll also learn about the educational and networking opportunities available from the Women's Business Council — Southwest.
One-Stop Shop Certification
Four certifications all available through one application!
Want to do business with corporations?
Want to do business in with the State of Texas?
Want to do business with the Federal Government?
Want to do business with Dallas County?
Upcoming Events
The Women’s Business Council – Southwest (WBCS) offers offers a variety of networking events, access to procurement opportunities and educational programs for both Corporate Members and certified Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE) Members throughout the year.
These events give Corporate Members the chance to network and/or compete for business with a wide variety of established, growth-oriented women-owned businesses.
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Open to the public!
Let us help you get started!
Are you ready to take your business to the next level with Women’s Business Enterprise national certification?
Let us send you more information and a link to our recorded webinar that answers common questions about certification.
Just fill out this form and we’ll be in touch: