Who We Are

The Women's Business Council - Southwest (WBCS) is one of 14 regional partners of the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC), the largest certifier of women-owned businesses (WBEs) in the U. S.
Mission: To increase the value of women-owned businesses by providing certification, education, advocacy, and mutually beneficial business opportunities for our members and affiliates.
Vision: Lifting up women-owned businesses, and positively impacting the community through inclusive and prosperous partnerships for all.
Women’s Business Enterprises
A Women's Business Enterprise, WBE, is an independent business entity that is at least 51% owned and controlled by one or more women who are U.S. citizens or Legal Resident Aliens.
Corporate Members
Corporate Members include corporations, businesses and government entities that are dedicated to buying products and services from Women's Business Enterprises.
WBCS at a Glance

Serving north and central Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico, the Women's Business Council - Southwest (WBCS) is headquartered in the heart of the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. If a women-owned business is headquartered within this four-state region, WBCS is responsible for facilitating its certification.
The Women's Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) sets and maintains the standards and procedures for Women's Business Enterprise (WBE) certification. The Women's Business Council - Southwest (WBCS), one of fourteen Regional Partner Organizations affiliated with WBENC, processes certification applications within the region and provides local support for women-owned business growth.

The Women's Business Council - Southwest (WBCS) hosts a variety of networking, education, and procurement events in the Dallas and Austin areas. Open to the public, these events range from award galas to business forums, perfect for connecting WBCS members.

WBCS is home to businesses large and small
Many of these corporations mandate this official certification in order to fulfill a request for proposal.
Learn more about WBCS:
WBCS Non-Discrimination Policy
As a community of entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and economic development thought-leaders, WBCS is committed to the elimination of discrimination in all areas of business and the provision of equal opportunity when accessing capital, contracts, and contacts. In compliance with state and federal laws and regulation, we do not discriminate on the basis of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, marital status, national origin, race, religion sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status in any of our policies, procedures, or practices. This non-discrimination policy covers admission and access to, and treatment, in all programs and activities.