Meet Your 2024 Harvesting Partnerships Roundtable Hosts!

The morning of Harvesting Partnerships, you will have the opportunity to come together for Women’s Business Enterprise led roundtable discussions on business themes such as marketing, sales, human resources, AI, etc. The WBE host remains at her table while others rotate! What to Expect: There are three rounds of discussion. Each discussion is 30 minutes, with five minutes between rounds to transition. 9:45 – 10:15 … Discussions Round 1 10:20 – 10:50 … Discussions Round 2 10:55 – 11:25 … Discussions Round 3 Discussion Topics and Hosts: Click here to learn more about each topic and host! 10

Meet your Harvesting Partnerships Roundtable Hosts!

The morning of Harvesting Partnerships, you will have the opportunity to come together for Women’s Business Enterprise led roundtable discussions on business themes such as marketing, human resources, etc. The WBE host remains at her table while others rotate! What to Expect: There are three rounds of discussion. Each discussion is 30 minutes, with five minutes between rounds to transition. 10:30 – 11:00 … Discussions Round 1 11:05 – 11:35 … Discussions Round 2 11:40 – 12:10 … Discussions Round 3 REGISTER FOR HARVESTING PARTNERSHIPS TODAY Jen Schaumburg | Fuse Solutions AI Uncovered: A

2022 Lillie Knox Investment Award Winner - Bliss Bracelets

Bliss Bracelets LLC Tell us about Bliss Bracelets Bliss Bracelets LLC is the company behind Blisslets, the only acupressure bracelets that are also stylish accessories. Acupressure bands have been around for decades, but until recently, the only options available were conspicuous plastic or sweatband-style devices. I started dreaming up Blisslets after using the sweatband-style products during my first pregnancy. I had terrible morning sickness, and I found that acupressure made the difference between being debilitated with nausea and being able to function in work and life. However, during my

2022 Lillie Knox Award Winner - L.V. Browne, CPA

L.V. Browne, CPA Tell us about L. V. Browne, CPA L. V. Browne, CPA is a full service CPA firm in the Richardson area serving the metroplex and beyond. Many small businesses spend too much time on administrative tasks and not enough on the core of their business. L. V. Browne, CPA specializes in taking care of the administrative details, leaving the small business owner free to focus on the crux of their business and begin to enjoy it again. We provide accounting, tax and advisory services including audits, tax preparation, compilations, tax planning, and varied custom financial projects. How

2022 Lillie Knox Award Winner - CAET Construction

CAET Construction Tell us about CAET Construction We are a project management / owners representative company turned general contractor. We have combined our experience and relationships to expand our service offerings to large corporations. We continue to offer collaborative, accountable, excellence, and trusted project management services for construction projects, but now we are also a builder for remodels and new construction. The company has expanded to two WBE businesses but currently all business is under the project management firm. How has WBE certification benefited your business

2022 Lillie Knox Investment Award Winner - Therapeutic Focus

Therapeutic Focus Tell us about Therapeutic Focus Therapeutic Focus (TF) is my heart: a passionate, outpatient pediatric therapy clinic located in West Memphis, Arkansas. TF provides occupational, physical, and speech therapy services to predominantly impoverished children with disabilities while focusing on improving their overall functional performance in the areas of fine and gross motor skills and speech. How has WBE certification benefited your business? As a result of acquiring the WBE certification, I have been afforded the opportunity to not only successfully apply for a RFP, but also

Harvesting Partnerships Roundtable Topics

Have you been struggling to come up with creative ideas to engage and reward your employees? Want to know what other companies are doing to fight this war on talent? During this round table, Daris Frencha will share with you 11 of the most creative, budget-friendly and easy-to-implement employee benefit and perks that will help you attract and retain top talent. These are ideas that she has collected over the past few years from other small business owners. These ideas are proven to work! Visit The Benefit Boutique at Daris Frencha is CEO and President of The

What to Expect at Harvesting Partnerships 2022!

Harvesting Partnerships is a half-day conference focused on top-tier educational programming. It features a networking reception, WBCS Year in Review session, Women’s Business Enterprise led roundtable discussions on business themes (such as marketing, human resources, etc.), keynote luncheon, and the Lillie Knox Investment Award presentation. Registration Deadline is Friday, November 4th! Agenda 8:30 - 9:00 | Check In and Networking 9:00 – 9:30 | WBCS Year in Review Session 9:30 – 9:45 | Networking 9:45 – 11:25 | WBE Led Roundtable Discussions 11:25 – 12:00 | Networking 12:00 - 1:30 | Keynote
WBCS Virtual Market

Apply for the WBCS Virtual Marketplace!

For the first time, the Women's Business Council - Southwest will be holding a virtual market with women-owned businesses on November 23rd through December 6th, 2020. Applications are due Monday, November 9th and participants will be notified by Friday, November 13, 2020.