Women's Business Council - Southwest

2015 YW Mentors & Allies Award
Nomination Form

Deadline Extension:
Nominations due Friday, March 13!

The YW Mentors & Allies Awards honor the women, men, and companies
that make a difference in the community for women.

WBCS WBEs, is there someone (or a company) who has been a mentor or ally to you? Nominate them for a special award through the YW.

YW Mentors & Allies Award Recipients are individuals or companies who:
•Demonstrate excellence and outstanding service to others
•Champion and advocate for women in the community
•Demonstrate significant leadership through contributions of time and energy to encourage, coach, and mentor women in the workplace or community

For more than 100 years, YW has evolved to address the most critical needs of women in Dallas County. Today, YW provides the tools and resources women need to move toward financial independence, become strong mothers, and advocate for their own health.

YW Mentors & Allies Awards were presented from 1985-2001 to honor outstanding men and corporate partners who were champions for women in business or the community. With the opening of the YW Women’s Center in 2015, the YW is renewing the YW Mentors & Allies Awards to recognize individuals and companies that pave the way for women to be successful. YW Mentors & Allies nominees are individuals or companies that have invested time and resources to coach, mentor, or provide significant leadership for the success of women. The nomination can be based on the nominee’s professional work and/or community work.

Fill out a nomination form today! The Deadline is March 6th! Winners will be presented at the YW Mentors & Allies Awards Lunchon!

YW Mentors & Allies Awards Luncheon
The YW Mentors & Allies Awards honor the women, men, and companies that make a difference in the community for women.

Monday, May 11, 2015
11 a.m. Registration and Silent Auction
12 p.m. Awards Luncheon

Renaissance Hotel
2222 N Stemmons Fwy,
Dallas, TX 75207


YWCA of Metropolitan Dallas
