Michelle Ray

Utilizing WBE Certification for RFPs and Bidding

Michelle Ray is the CEO of Absolute Facility Solutions, a consulting group that specializes in the implementation of facility management software and support services including product development, product consulting, training, data normalization, need assessments, field surveys, and CAD & BIM services.
WiNGS Logo

Your Donations Needed for Our WiNGS Holiday Drive

Join us this holiday season and help provide some extra cheer for first-time moms through the WiNGS Partners in Parenting program. You can purchase items from their Amazon Wishlist to be delivered to the WBCS offices, where our staff will assemble into stockings and deliver directly to WiNGS.
Melinda Zito O’Brien, Energy Utility Group

WBCS Member Creates Program to Help WBEs Reduce Energy Costs

Melinda Zito O’Brien, Founder and Owner of Energy Utility Group, started working in the energy sector after seeing a new opportunity emerge as energy became deregulated in the U.S. And now she’s on a mission to help fellow Women Business Enterprises (WBEs) reduce their energy costs while incorporating sustainability into their operations.
2019 Lillie Knox Award Winners

Congratulations to the 2019 Lillie Knox Winners!

We are excited to announce the recipients of the 2019 Lillie Knox Investment Awards! The Lillie Knox Investment Award is a cash prize of up to $20,000, exclusively available to WBCS Women's Business Enterprises, to help further business growth.